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Tag: bonds

How the Kubo Invests Its Money

I love putting my money to work. I prioritize buying assets over possessions that lose their value over time, like expensive cars or expensive clothing. And, luckily, Kubo Queen feels the same way too. So, here at the Kubo, we do our best to make sure the money we earn is put to good use. You may not know this, but while we were still trying to pay off my student loans, Kubo Queen and I were also investing some of our money. Now that my students loans are paid off, we will be able to invest even more money for our future. So I thought that this was the perfect time to share our investing habits with the hope of showing you how easy investing truly is (I mean, if we were able to learn it, then so can you). And, hopefully, it will encourage you to start investing for your future too.